TESI is a free three-week summer education program sponsored by HCOE’s Career and College Resource Department and College of the Redwoods, providing motivated high school students the opportunity to explore career fields in Information Communication Technologies (ICT).

Activities: IT Fundamentals Course and hands-on labs with CIS faculty, free ITF+ certification opportunity, IBM mentorship, job-shadow/site visits to local IT employers
Who is eligible? Humboldt County high school juniors/seniors/graduating seniors (16 and over)
Cost: FREE
Location: College of the Redwoods (+ site visits to local IT employers)
Dates: June 21 - July 7 (full day)
Application Deadline: April 22nd
Apply: https://hcoe.org/tesi/
#K12 #education #STEM #career #careerready #technology #tech #summer #highschool #college #collegeready #It #teach #students