Academy of the Redwoods
Academy of the Redwoods is a Fortuna Union High School District Middle College High School with an accelerated and rigorous college preparatory curriculum. It provides qualified students with a high school diploma and, potentially, up to two years of college credit by the time they complete their 4-year high school education.
AR was one of the first “early college high schools” in California and remains one of the few middle college high schools that are physically located on a college campus. In the 9th and 10th grades, AR students take predominantly high school courses; students can take up to 11 units of college credit per semester in the 3rd and 4th year of the AR program.
The high school curriculum is marked by a clear focus on the importance of literacy in all disciplines: thus, AR students enroll in 2 years of intensive high school courses to better prepare them for college enrollment and the work that is demanded for success in post-secondary education.

Located on the beautiful campus of College of the Redwoods in Eureka, California
Early College High School Initiative
“The educational goals of this initiative are to minimize barriers between high school and college; to ease the transition from secondary to post-secondary school; to prepare students for and attract them to higher education, and to increase high school graduation rates.”
Initially funded by a grant through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, AR is the result of an ongoing relationship between the Fortuna
Union High School District and College of the Redwoods. The Humboldt County Office of Education was instrumental in the initial grant
process and continues to support AR as an educational option for students throughout Humboldt County.
Your Possible Pathways Include...
· Transfer to 4-Year College Pathway
· Career Technical Degree/Training Pathway
· Certificate of Achievement and/or
Recognition Pathway
· AA/AS Degree Pathways
· Accelerated Learning and College
Experience Pathway
What are the Benefits of Attending the Academy of the Redwoods
· The opportunity to earn up to two years of transferable college credit while in high school.
· There is no cost for tuition or books.
· A small personalized learning
community with high expectations in
achievement and behavior.
· Increased learning opportunities through concurrent enrollment.
· A program that scaffolds student
learning for an easier transition to post-secondary education.
· A safe and supportive learning

Typical Course Sequence
1st Year
English 1
US or World History
Algebra 1 or Geometry
Physical Education
Tier 1
Core Support
2nd Year
English 2
US or World History
Geometry, Algebra 2, or CR Math
Physical Education
Tier 2A /2B
Course Support
3-6 CR Units
3rd Year
English 3, CR English 1A
Government, Economics or POLSC-10/US Government and Politics
Algebra 2 or CR Math
Language other than English 1A, 1B
Tier 2A/2B/3
Course Support
6-11 CR Units
4th Year
English 4, CR 1A or 1B
CR Math
Tier 3
Course Support
6-11 CR Units
Who Should Apply?
To apply, a high grade point average (GPA) is not a requirement, but a high level of motivation to tackle a rigorous and challenging curriculum is
mandatory. Academy of the Redwoods adheres to the Middle College High School Core Principles and thus encourages applications from:
· Low-income young people
· First-generation college-goers
· English language learners
· Students of under-represented cultural groups in higher education.
· Students who are Algebra 1 ready or beyond.
· Students who seek academic rigor.
· Students who are capable but who may not have realized their potential in school
· Students who feel confined by the traditional high school setting and would like to participate in an alternative high school with an accelerated approach to education.

What our Students Say About Us...
“Thanks to AR’s emphasis on thinking critically, self-advocacy, and preparing for college (and life in general), I feel confident in taking these next steps in my life. “ - 4th Year
“Academy of the Redwoods provides an
enriching environment in which both my
academics and extracurricular passions can flourish simultaneously.” - 4th Year
“AR has offered me outstanding opportunities to grow as a student, a community member, and as a person.” - AR Graduate